Words by Shuba Hussain

The novel Coronavirus disease that has been unsparingly tearing across nations, has stirred up a perfect storm of unparalleled socio-economic barriers. The pandemic altered the very fabric of our lives as we faced the harsh reality of social isolation, unemployment and general instability, and this climate of uncertainty and fear has triggered a looming mental health crisis among us. To combat this, the Maldivian Red Crescent (MRC) has established a toll-free hotline to provide psychosocial support and assistance to those in need.

The Maldivian Red Crescent (MRC) is an independent, voluntary, humanitarian organization that was formed in 2009 to provide humanitarian aid and prevent and/or alleviate human suffering according to the Maldives Red Crescent Law (Law 7/2009). Their areas of work include: disaster management, community first aid, youth empowerment and the health and wellbeing of our community, and they have been one of the key pillars of the humanitarian movement in our country for over a decade. Following the COVID-19 pandemic, the MRC responded with several measures to mitigate the consequential damages and their psychosocial support hotline serves to provide this very purpose as well.

We at, Ka Leo, interviewed them to find out more about their work.

Could you please tell us about the hotline and the services that you provide?

Maldivian Red Crescent has established a psychosocial support helpline to provide assistance and support to people in distress. Our helpline is a toll-free number 1425.

We provide a safe space for people to talk about their concerns and worries, help them deal with their immediate difficulties, and provide them with information about coping strategies and where to seek professional mental health support if and when required. We provide emotional support for people who may be feeling anxious, worried, or just feeling low. You can also call us to talk about your stresses and any problems you are facing, e.g. work-related issues, family stresses, mental health concerns, relationship concerns, etc.

How did this initiative begin?

Maldivian Red Crescent has been providing psychosocial support as part of our humanitarian efforts and response in times of emergencies and crises for a number of years. Provision of psychosocial support via a helpline was initiated as part of the covid-19 emergency response, to provide psychosocial support to people affected by this crisis. Since then we have been providing support to anyone in distress.

If someone were to call your hotline and report an issue, in what ways would your organization be able to help?

We provide a safe and non-judgmental space for people to share their concerns. We also help find ways to cope with immediate distress and provide information about where to seek help, what they can do to reduce their distress, etc. If people report issues concerning their safety or if there are indications of a need for professional support, we make sure to collaborate with relevant service providers to help provide the best and most appropriate support.

What are some challenges that you have faced so far?

Our service is run by trained volunteers. Recruitment of volunteers who can provide the commitment and availability has been a challenge.

What are the main goals that you hope to achieve through this program?

We hope to reduce the distress faced by individuals and help people cope better with their challenges. In doing so, we hope to build resiliency and improve the mental health of individuals and consequently in the community.

How important do you think having such a hotline is?

We feel that such a helpline is very much needed in our community where there is a lack of accessibility and affordability of mental health and psychosocial support services. Our service is toll free and remote, so it is easily accessible to people across all regions in the Maldives.

Would you be continuing this service in any form even after the pandemic ends?

We will be continuing this service and are hoping to expand our services so that we can operate 24/7 and people can access support anytime they need it.

If one is interested in joining your team, how can they apply and what are the qualifications that you require?

We welcome anyone who is interested to work with us. We have regular recruitment cycles so keep an eye out for any advertisements regarding this. Alternatively, you can also send us an email to pss@redcrescent.org.mv indicating your interest to volunteer at our helpline.

Fear, stress, or anxiety are natural responses in the face of a significant public health crisis, and it is crucial that we take care of our emotional well-being and also stand in solidarity with those that are fighting the same battle. If you, or a loved one are in distress or just need someone to talk to, please call the toll-free number 1425 for guidance.