An Article by: Masha Shuaib Naseer

The first Slice

If the name Hawwan rings a bell, it is because the name associated with one of the best joys in life… CAKE! Hawwa Suzan, commonly known as “Hawwan” by friends and family grew up with a passion for arts and crafts which later ventured into the world of cakes.

Some dream of cakes while some “BAKE” it happen!

Hawwan decided to take part in a baking course in 2012 just for fun and then took a liking to it, not expecting this step would be the setting stone of something huge in the future. What started off as a fun hobby was now becoming something so much more.

When the queue for a slice started to get longer by the day, Hawwan decided to take orders, thus “Hawwan Cakes” was born.

Don’t be afraid to take “WHISKS”!

Although the orders started picking up, this still was a part time interest for Hawwan. Working a desk job from morning till evening and then taking on baking at home into the wee hours became a tiresome routine.

Losing her job along the way, gave her profession as a full-time baker a kick start.

“Now that I do this full time, it’s so much more rewarding. Losing my job last year turned out to be a blessing in disguise”

“Now that I do this full time, it’s so  much more rewarding. Losing my job last year turned out to be a blessing in disguise”

Life is “BATTER” with a slice of cake

Starting off experimenting with different flavors, tastes and techniques she started to get out of her comfort zone more each time to create sculpted works of art through frosting. Most of her inspiration for her work comes from the beauty in nature, international bakers, paintings of famous artists and fashion designers.

You “CAKE” my day

Although a lot of her clients usually have an idea in mind for their cakes, some of her clients let her put her own spin on their cakes.

“I like to start off picturing the cake in my mind before I start. I love the process of turning the picture in my mind to reality. It is the most therapeutic part of the whole process because I’m in my own zone and just so lost in the work. I love every minute of it!

“BUTTER” late than never

The baking community is filled with inspirational bakers, some that are starting off and others that have years of experience. With close friends being bakers in the same field, there is a lot of love and support shared amongst them.

“There are many of my friends doing the same business as I am, and I love to order some of their cakes when I’m having a sweet tooth”

You “BAKE” the world a better place

Trying to improve herself through pushing limits in her work, she has been able to grow her loyal client base and her hard work has reflected immensely through her work.

“To reach a certain goal in life, your biggest competition should be yourself! Try to be better everyday”

Hawwan is currently working on an exciting project, the details of which she hopes to share very soon.

“I have a lot of plans for the future to expand the business further. You can surely expect big things and extra projects from me in the future”