Words by Jumana

July 2022 – The spotlight sheds its beams and shadows across the stage as he holds the first place trophy and certificate. It’s the 54th Asian Bodybuilding and Physique Sports Championships in K. Maafushi. In a historic feat, and holding the Maldivian flag proudly along with carrying the medal around his neck, Azneen Rashad has just placed Gold in the men’s Sports Physique Category (up to 170 cm).

It was a lifetime ago when an underaged Azneen  pressed his nose up against the glass, looking in on his older brothers doing what he loved. All he wanted to do was join in on the workouts and push his body with the inner strength he knew he had. Unfortunately for him, gyms didn’t allow those who weren’t of age inside.

“I used to try and sneak into the gym. Helped run errands and bring things like water for my brothers who were working out. Anything to get in on the action”.

From that boy with hunger in his eyes, to the embodiment of the hashtag #moreworkmorehungry, Azneen Rashad has come a long way. Upon bringing home the Gold Medal at K. Maafushi in July, he received a warm welcome at the place that started it all – G.A Villingili in southern Maldives. Showered with kind words and endless flower bouquets framed by happy faces and family, Azneen has come full circle back to his home.

“You may be on stage for exactly 60 seconds. But the hard work that goes into that behind the scenes is very intense and takes a long time”

From shakes to the detailed view into diet and workouts that he posts on social media, the essence of Azneen lies in the very reason he does it. “I get a lot of questions about how I prepare food, the amount needed and other tips. I also like seeing what is posted by other athletes I admire, so I post regularly. Who knows? it may benefit someone”.

Azneen recalled his humble beginnings, “I started my career by professionally competing in the Mr. Maldives competition in 2017 with just a 3 month diet plan. Looking back, I don’t think I was that prepared mentally to embrace the sudden changes in lifestyle”. It’s been 5 years since then and he has not looked back. An officer at the Maldives Police Service, he credits the beginnings, initially to the Police gym.

It hasn’t been all smooth sailing since then for our champion in Physique. Things turned difficult back in 2018 when he dislocated his shoulder and the doctor advised ceasing all workouts for six months. Azneen carefully eased himself back into workouts by beginning with resistance bands at home. “I read that fully stopping the workouts for such a long time wasn’t what was advised, since it would cause fatigue of the muscles surrounding the skeleton. So I began little by little and built my way up”. An avid researcher in almost every step he takes, Azneen makes sure he is fully educated in these matters through knowledge, as well as keenly observing the behaviors of those he looks up to.

It was the setback of the dislocated shoulder and the slow and steady but focused rise that led to massive success in 2019. Not only did he bring home Mr. Physique and the Mr. Maldives Championship in 2019, but he also achieved the President’s Award and got the Gold medal at the 12th South Asian Bodybuilding & Physique Sports Championship, Bronze medal at the 11th world Bodybuilding and Physique Sports Championships while placing 4th in the 53rd Asian Bodybuilding and Physique Sports Championships that year.

“This isn’t like many other sports where you get to take several breaks throughout the year. Other than the months of January and February usually, I will have to maintain every aspect continuously throughout the year”

The one thing he wishes could change within the arena of bodybuilding in Maldives is to see bolstering and support for the dedicated and hardworking athletes that never stop working: encouraging them towards bringing home these medals and trophies. Azneen expressed, “Preparation for most of the competing is taken on with personal funding and more sponsorships. So opportunities for partnerships would really help those who give it their all”.

His advice to those who want to pursue this field? “With anything you try in life, even with bodybuilding, my advice is to not give up. I was first rejected several times at the National Selection. I realized that just because I was Mr Maldives didn’t mean things had to automatically get easier from that point. Don’t stop. Keep trying. Your time will come. Be humble and make yourself tougher than rejections. Be dedicated to yourself”.

We wish him luck as he heads on to Mr Maldives 2022 as well as to the city of Phuket, Thailand with seven other competitors and The Bodybuilding Association of Maldives (BBAM)  to take part in the 13th World Bodybuilding and Physique Sports Championship this December.